Taking the Leap

“Come to the edge,” he said.
“We can’t, we’re afraid!” they responded.
“Come to the edge,” he said.
“We can’t, we will fall!” they responded.
“Come to the edge,” he said.
And so, they came.
And he pushed them.
And they flew.” ― Guillaume Apollinaire
This poem repeatedly crossed my path from September to December 2019. I just had the best month at my part-time BodyTalk practice. This, combined with a full-time job and writing my first-year Anatomy & Physiology exam, forced me to decide.
It was no longer possible to maintain both a corporate job and a busy Practice. As my BodyTalk Practitioner Dessie predicted, evenly they will force me to choose. With so many newbie Practitioners pining to leave their corporate jobs, it begs the question, why did I need to be forced?
It boils down to design… this one is cautioned, not fuelled by fear, rather a deep understanding that there is a life flow. A rhythm that we can feel and choose to ride the wave, where things happen effortlessly, to the point that my husband claimed that to be our word, effortlessly. To emphasize my point, my Husband has claimed that to be our word… effortlessness. Where we simply show up moment to moment, do our best and leave the rest in the hands of Ishvara/Universe/God/Creator (whichever one resonates with you, nonetheless, the same Creative Intelligence).
Secondly, I did not try to run away from the business world, I like business, which is why I enjoyed my Master’s in Business Administration Studies so much. Little did I know at that time however, that my MBA qualification will serve me so well in my practice as at that time, I never even dreamed of having a practice.
I only focused on adding my design to the great Tapestry of Life, making the contribution that was only possible from this specific combination of attributes and tendencies. I was good in business, and system design, and problem-solving came easy to this design. It is the most natural thing to see the hidden, the underlying factor to the issues. These tendencies, of course, serves my Practice well too.
It is so important to understand our designs, a few systems helped me to understand and hone my tendencies as follows: Getting a natal chart (guiding in life’s larger flow and influences), taking the Strength test (learning what comes naturally), establishing my personal Enneagram number (for my deep emotional make-up), Numerology (general life energies), and taking the Briggs Myers test (finding my business tendencies).
Of course, there are many more, and an incredible soul friend like Lionel Bermann, that did his part on this soul’s journey, also helped immensely.
Why is it so important to understand our design?
As we speak with others and hear their stories of progressing to full-time Practitioners, we might be tempted to take the path that they did, not considering that these may not be suited to our own personal design and individual puzzle-piece-part we need to fulfill. Which could lead us to take actions not aligned to our flow of life and cause unnecessary stress.
Aligning with our design means we bring our best to every situation, as we have confidence in the knowledge of our tendencies and how to best add value to the world at large. My husband just reiterated the same to me, that knowing our personal design is the most important investigation you will ever undertake; without it you might find yourself lost and unfulfilled.
I encourage you to take the leap, but ensure you take that leap according to your design, and then life should flow beautifully. However, that does not mean there will not be challenges.
I subsequently resigned on the 2nd of January 2020, when Covid was a faraway virus in China, where we have seen many outbreaks in the past. This one proved to take over the world. By my second month, as a Full Time Practitioner, lockdown level 5 was implemented, some harsh words were exchanged with my soul, and then a deep surrender followed.
The month of April 2020 month proved to be just what the ‘Doctor’ ordered. After seven years of busyness including three years of MBA studies, extensive BodyTalk studies and practice building, it was time for some much-needed deep rest. Rest that I did not even realize I needed. At the same time, my husband changed jobs, and the new international environment with crazy time zones to work with Singapore, meant I had a much bigger load to deal with.
Further, it brought changes to how I was prepared to continue my Practice. After the wonderous April rest, I refused to be rushed again and applied that to my sessions by creating buffer time between sessions. This took the rush off my clients too, which turned out to be just what they needed as well. Having done Video call sessions globally from the start of my Practice, this too came in very handy. Hindsight makes me think that, had I not resigned pre-Covid, I might not have done so in December 2021 as we originally planned.
I share this to remind you that there is a life flow, and even when it does not look like it, there is a purpose to what is taking place. Just keep showing up and giving your best in alignment with your design, and life will find a way.
There is such a great need for what we as BodyTalkers bring to the world at large, take the leap, make your contribution based on your design, and fly!
Lucua is a CBP & PaRama practitioner, based in Pretoria East, SA www.bodytalkwithlucua.com