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Tested for what we say

Even the day before posting being on Top of the World on 20th, the energy was palpably conflicting and irritated. Nothing changed from going to bed on Sunday and waking up on Monday, yet the energy shift was so pronounced, I had people around mentioning it from early Monday.

I always marvel at the efficiency of creation. As soon as you open to an idea and align with it, be sure that the test for it will come. I started noticing this early in my life, as soon as I commit to a certain course of action/focus, on that same day the tests will starts to ensure that I am indeed serious about it.

Back to last week and Mars squaring Jupiter. That is what astrologist were saying and they predicted that conflict will literally want to be expanded. It was not as if something was creating more conflict, there was just conflict in the air. It seems every opportunity was a good one to take a stand and battle.

However if you are aware and do not identify with these energies, you will feel them, be aware of them, ensure that you apply your discernment and not take up battles, at least not all of them. I say that, as this energy might be much needed to take on a certain battle that is long overdue to facilitate the needed shift.

When we take a stand in awareness as awareness, we have unceasing access to an oasis of calm and rest within. It is always there. The only thing required to rest there is focus.

Will I place my focus on the fleeting changing energies in the air or will I rest at the oasis?

Paradoxically that does not mean that life will not be intense and disruptive, having a sister admitted to ICU and mother to hospital in a span of 24 hours seems a good time to be overwhelmed and reeling. Still you can rest at the oasis and fully engage with life, making the calls, ensuring you do your duty as family member and contributing your specific gift in the family.

It is always just a matter of where you place your attention… and what you identify with … I rest at the oasis of I!

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